
Team interests

Is "Calm Tech" the Wave of the Future?

Team interests
We're more tuned into the web more than ever, and with calm tech arising, it can potentially supplement how we define productivity forever.
October 18, 2022

Harmful Work Habits and How to Counteract Them

Team interests
Work-life balance
You might relate — it’s really easy to be reactionary when it comes to working. Our work habits are disguised as good ones because we get praised for them, and we're here to tell you: that's not right!
October 18, 2022

Interested in the new way to work? Here are four books to get you started

Team interests
The new way to work isn't an uncommon concept, but not a lot of folks are ready to embrace it, but maybe you will be after reading some of our favorite books!
October 18, 2022

How to combat burnout with the help of Murmur

Team interests
An engineer’s workload is jam packed with meetings and coding, and while it may not sound like much, it’s a ton of work that can ultimately lead to burnout (and we can help).
October 18, 2022